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Everything posted by Stephen

  1. We, too, experience these issues with our district. They refuse to go over the final draft of the IEP at the actual meeting, then even when we put in writing a request to see the document before it's "locked" to provide our feedback and edits, they send it out for signature. When we challenge even incorrect dates, etc., they refuse to change those and require us to provide agreement with the exception of...they waste valuable time of both parties because we are constantly going back and forth to fix things. As is stands now, an IEP we signed weeks ago still has our sons SAI minutes still has the dates from his previous IEP. Connecting with the director has not made a difference in the level of collaboration. I think as you demonstrate a better understanding of your kids rights under IDEA, including PWN, they start getting more difficult to deal with as they clearly don't love putting in the work!
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