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  1. I don't have a specific answer to your child's needs, but one important tip I learned from the Don't IEP Alone guide was to always send a Parent Concerns Letter in advance of every meeting. I have done this each time we had a meeting this year (we've had 5 since February!) and it makes a huge difference. First, I'm better prepared for the meeting myself because I've taken time to think carefully about exactly what my daughter needs right now. Second, it's better to lay out your concerns in advance to the IEP team before you sit down together, particularly if your child is struggling in any way. It gives you a foundation for asking for testing if it hasn't been done and improves your chances of getting the right resources, particularly if what they're doing right now isn't working for him. You are not limited to a certain number of meetings, and "final" is always changeable. By learning to think of it as a journey rather than a destination, I was able to keep advocating when the interim results weren't what was needed. Best wishes to you!
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