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  1. My son is up for his 3-year re-eval. Our school just hired a full-time school psychologist for the first time since my son enrolled here. They promptly made her the CSE chair. It seems like she is going through everyone's files to ensure the school is in compliance (because, generally, they are not). I received the notice for my son's 3-year evaluation, which is due in January, and the notice mentions behavioral issues that he was having in 3rd grade and evaluating whether this was the proper placement for him. He is currently in 5th grade. He had an amazing teacher last year and had little to no behavioral issues. He struggles a little with the workload in 5th grade, but overall, he hasn't had any major meltdowns. So my question is: Is it normal for the person doing the evaluation also to be the Chair of the committee? Is that a conflict of interest?
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