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  1. Thank you so much - lots of very creative ideas there - which I will use!
  2. Hi everyone and thank you for reading this. I have a student, B, who was in kindergarten and part of 1st grade in in-person school. He was diagnosed with Autism by Children's Hospital, but for the first year of school his eligibility fell under ADHD. The parents paid for additional testing, asked for a reevaluation in first grade and his eligibility changed to Autism. During his year and 3/4 or so in school he was put in holds continuously, placed in isolation, and written up as a sexual predator because of sensory processing needs he was seeking. The parents took him out and I homeschooled him along with his grandmother who is a retired teacher. He's doing well and has expressed a desire to attend the same school as his sister who is in first grade. We would like to make this happen, but upon talking with the district, they will only put him in an AN program which is stated in his IEP. They can do a reeval, but this could take up to 90 days. This was clearly the wrong environment for B, and the parents were basically told to agree to this option when he was in school, as they knew it would be the right fit for B. There was a small isolation room in the classroom and B was in there a lot and the parents not informed. They would like him to be in the autism program at his sister's school, not an AN room that cannot meet his needs. The district is refusing. We are trying to get this figured out this summer, so B is ready to go to school when is sister does and we don't make things more difficult for him with lots of transitions. Can the district do this - can we ask for a reevaluation over the summer, what are our options? We live in Colorado. B and his family have experienced much trauma during all of this, especially, B. Thank you so much for any help and advice you can give me.
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