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Academic Workload & Missing Assignments (OHI-9th grade)



Hello - Im in NC.

My son was homeschooled from the end of 5th grade (yr.2019) to end of 8th (yr. 2022).   He has had an IEP since 2nd grade (except when homeschooled).  His Last evaluations were done in 2019 at his triennial.  At that time they used the WISC-V, WJ-IV & Behavior evaluations.  He was struggling quite a bit so I pulled him out shortly after his triennial to homeschool.

This year he returned to public school (9th gr).  I sent my request to evaluate my son for IEP on the first day of school & It took about 2 months to have the IEP re-evaluation meeting.  The team  determined that there was enough available evidence to determine his eligibility & they did not re-evaluate him this year.  They determined he was still eligible for services (OHI-ADHD)  The school only had 2 months of current grade data plus his prior IEP  & evaluations.  His IEP has only been in place 1 month at this point.

He has specially designed instruction in Math, Reading, Organizational study skills, & Written Expression)  Math Goals are 70% mastery , Reading 60%, Organization study skills 90%

My biggest worry is that he is failing all classes because he doesn't turn in assignments.  At the end of the 1st nine weeks he had a D in Science & D in his Elective and 50% in Math.  He worked hard for the D's to be honest.   He did miss some school at the start of the year due to having Covid & being quarantined for 10 days,  so it was a rough start to the school year.   

Its been a huge adjustment & the academic workload has him completely overwhelmed. He struggles with time management even with adhd medication.   Most days he does not turn in classwork assignments. He runs out of time or gets distracted so all the incomplete work turns into homework..  As far as I know teachers do not penalize him for turning in late assignments.  He probably has at least 25 missing assignments in Science & 15 to 20 missing in his Elective class.  He is tired & overwhelmed every single night after school & having meltdowns.  He is pushing himself but just feels defeated.  I emailed his Math teacher twice & no response.  I emailed his guidance counselor & resource teacher yesterday about his failing math grade to ask for additional support & explain his struggles - no response?   I just don't know exactly what else to ask for?  His father & I would like to keep him in Gen Ed with his peers.   He needs more support!  

He definitely needs additional accommodations/modifications 

His Specialized Instruction (LRE) is:

  • Academic Skills is:  15 minutes 1 time per week in Special Education room.  
  • Math is 30 Minutes 1 time per week in Gen Ed
  • Reading is 30 Minutes 1 time per week in Gen Ed
  • Written Expression is 15 minutes 1 time per week in Gen Ed

Modifications in all classes:  Career Classes, Health, History, Math, Music, Science, District Tests, State Tests

  • Preferential seating
  • 30 minutes extended time on assignments/test
  • Test read aloud
  • Testing in separate room

Thanks for reading & any help you can send our way  🙂

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Since it's the end of 2022, and he was last evaluated in 2019, did you and the district agree in writing to not do a triennial evaluation? You can request they do a re-evaluation of your student's needs. If you requested that they re-evaluate your child and they chose not to, they should've carefully documented all their reasoning for not doing so in the PWN.

Seems like you need to request an IEP meeting in writing. Make sure you take notes and send a follow up letter after the meeting (https://adayinourshoes.com/after-iep-meeting/). After the meeting, the district should respond to all your requests for additional supports/services from the IEP meeting in the PWN.

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Sounds like maybe there are some unidentified executive functioning issues?

Have you read what I have on the site for that?


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