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504 & IEP compaired


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IEP and 504 fall under two different laws. IDEA and ADA respectively. Practically, a 504 gives a student accomodations and an IEP gives a student both accomodations and individualized instruction. That's a very simplified view. But, if he has an IEP, he generally wouldn't need a 504. If he finishes his IEP, then he might move to a 504.


Hope that helps.


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Christy is exactly correct.  Whatever accommodations you and the IEP team feel are necessary for your son to access the general curriculum (and extra-curricular activities, etc.)  should be listed in the Accommodations and Modifications section of the IEP.  504 Plans are for students who only need accommodations due to their disability and do NOT need specially designed instruction.  For instance, if your son did not need special education services and only needed a sign language or deaf interpreter, a 504 Plan would be appropriate.

I have encountered situations where a child has both an IEP and a 504 Plan.  One reason is because colleges and universities will more readily accept what is written in a 504 Plan, since they have no obligation to provide IEP's/specially designed instruction - only accommodations for disabilities.  Another is when the child has two disabilities - one for which eligibility is found for special education services and the other for which only accommodations are necessary.  For instance, the child needs specially designed reading instruction for his/her dyslexia, but needs accommodations in the classroom for his/her ADHD.  Some school districts refuse to put accommodations on an IEP regarding a disability for which the child was not found eligible.  I haven't done enough research in this area to know whether or not this is a legitimate claim by a school district.  If anyone has any experience in this area, please let us know.

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