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I have a high schooler on an IEP.  

I receive a weekly report that is supposed to include current grade, work completion, and details about any missing / late work with due dates.  The data on this report used to measure and implement IEP goals, and is also provided as an accommodation to keep me in the loop.  If an accommodation is listed on an IEP, are issues regarding the accommodation handled as an IEP team issue or outside the IEP team as a Gen Ed issue?

Part of his IEP goal is to check the online grading system to identify his missing and late work as part of his goal.  I am being told that if a teacher is no longer making updates on the online grading system, that this is something that is not a special ed issue and must be handled with the teacher outside of the IEP team.  Is this true?

It has also come to my attention that some of the data that is being provided for goal measurement is being "estimated" (ahem, incorrectly) instead of measured.  I am being told that if I have questions or concerns about how this is being measured, that it is not a special ed issue and must be handled with the teacher outside of the IEP team.  Is this true?

His IEP goal is to complete a specified amount of work by the due date.  The school is suggesting that because he has a good grade in the class, that any missing or late work really doesn't matter (except, wait--it's a GOAL right?).  Is there some contingency that I don't know about that says that goals only need to be worked on or measured if the grades are bad?  

Right now I'm getting "estimated" work completion data, with no details about any missing assignments (and yes, there are some).  Now I've noticed that all online updates to assignments and grades has stopped.

Oh, did I mention we're amidst a triennial too?  Any help or wisdom appreciated.  Thanks!

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Will you be receiving a second quarter progress report soon?

Have you contacted the staff member in charge of inputting data into the online grading system to see what's going on with the system and how your child could be working toward this goal if the online system doesn't work? 

It's an IEP issue since it involves IEP goals. If there's an IEP goal, there should be progress monitoring done in accordance with the way it's written in the IEP.

 If the online system isn't working, perhaps you and the staff could work out another plan for how your child can still work toward this goal while the online system isn't working (and the district can amend the IEP & give you a PWN for this). 

Did a reliable source tell you that the progress data is being estimated? The IEP should state how progress toward the goal is measured. If the progress isn't being measured as stated in the IEP, first talk with the person in charge of that goal, then talk with the principal/LEA of the IEP team, then move on to your procedural safeguard options if you feel you need to. 

Are you concerned that your child will no longer qualify for an IEP with the triennial eval?

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On 12/24/2022 at 12:04 AM, Jenna said:

Will you be receiving a second quarter progress report soon?

I will be receiving the Q2 IEP progress report a few days before the triennial meeting.  At first they wanted to just discuss it at the meeting without me receiving it first, but I asked to have it sent in writing in advance because it was due later that week--or to postpone the meeting by a few days until I have it in hand.  They agreed to send it ahead of time.

Have you contacted the staff member in charge of inputting data into the online grading system to see what's going on with the system and how your child could be working toward this goal if the online system doesn't work? 

Yes, and I received no response to my email.  I then reached out to the special ed case manager and team chair to ask how this skill can be worked on if the portal isn't being updated.  The response I received was that updating the portal was not a special ed issue and was up to me, the teacher, and possibly principal to resolve as a gen ed issue.  I requested a meeting after the break to discuss their response to both this and the measurement issue below.

It may be helpful to note that updates in this class stopped around the same time that I voiced concerns to the team about how this goal is being measured after receiving the Q1 progress report, which was right before Thanksgiving.

It's an IEP issue since it involves IEP goals. If there's an IEP goal, there should be progress monitoring done in accordance with the way it's written in the IEP.

I have tried to explain to the case manager and team char that issues relating to the implementation and measurement of the IEP are IEP team issues.  The response I keep receiving is that this is not an IEP issue, and I am sent to the teacher and principal to resolve it amongst ourselves.  When I reach out to the teacher / principal, I either get no response, or I am told that the information is indeed there even though I send screenshots showing that it is not.  I have asked for a meeting to discuss this after the break, but I don't know how to get past their insistence that these are not issues for the IEP team-- any ideas?

The IEP states that this will be measured using weekly email updates, teacher grading records (IE: the portal), and anecdotal observations.  

 If the online system isn't working, perhaps you and the staff could work out another plan for how your child can still work toward this goal while the online system isn't working (and the district can amend the IEP & give you a PWN for this). 

I'm hoping to address this in the meeting I requested after the holiday break.  I believe the online system is working overall because other classes are not affected.  It just so happens to be the only class that has assigned homework any this semester.

Did a reliable source tell you that the progress data is being estimated? The IEP should state how progress toward the goal is measured. If the progress isn't being measured as stated in the IEP, first talk with the person in charge of that goal, then talk with the principal/LEA of the IEP team, then move on to your procedural safeguard options if you feel you need to. 

It was the teacher in question that told me that the percentage of homework completed reported on the weekly update had been approximated.  The weekly report that I received stated 80% of homework was completed.  When I asked what was missing, the teacher said that one assignment wasn't turned in, and said that it was approximately 80% of the homework assigned.  There were a total of 3 assignments for the week.  Missing one of them sounds more like 66.6% was completed.  

I included this concern in my email to the team chair and special ed case manager, and was again told that any concerns about how a teacher is measuring homework completion for this goal was up to the teacher's discretion and needs to be addressed outside the IEP team with the gen ed teacher and principal.

Are you concerned that your child will no longer qualify for an IEP with the triennial eval?

I am really not sure how this will end up going, and I think it completely depends on what part of the narrative they place more weight on.  He has been in his strongest classes this semester, and he has had so little homework (EX: not one minute has needed to be done at home or even in the resource room) that the organizational and planning issues have been much less apparent.  Add to that, the issues above with what seems like questionable homework completion data to begin with.  

However, last semester the team had recommended increasing hours in the resource room because he was having difficulty with keeping up with a modest homework load.  He also has a writing goal that is largely measured in ELA.  He last took this class between Sept 2021 - Jan 2022, and day 1 of the class for this school year is the same date as our meeting.  Since the IEP runs from March 2022 to March 2023, there has been no measurement of the writing goal in this class at all under the current IEP.  

Right now it is difficult to tell where he is at on meeting these 2 goals.  When I asked if he was making progress sufficient to meet the goals by March 2023, I received no response.  They do seem to like telling me how good his report cards are instead 🙂

Thank you for your reply!  I responded above because it seemed to be easier.  

Happy holidays to you as well!

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Well...  If it's in the IEP, the school has to do it.  If the teacher isn't updating the online grading system, you (and your child) still need the info.  Non-compliance with the IEP is not an option.  I would draft an email to the sp ed teacher/case manager and copy the principal on it.  Let them know that because the x class & y class teachers are not updating the parent portal, you are not being given the info that your child's IEP requires you to get.  Tell them you want an email with the info if the teacher doesn't want to put the info in the portal.  Let them know that you will give them 10 days to get you the updated info the IEP says you should be getting.  Hopefully, this will get the school back into compliance with the IEP.  If they don't fix it, file a state complaint.

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I agree- noncompliance isn't an option, and it sounds like they've been out of compliance for a while. I like the above idea of giving them 10 days to fix it, and then depending on how the meeting goes and whether they fix the system problems and/or give you all the info you need, you could request an administrative review of how this has been handled with your district's superintendent, or, you could move on to filing a complaint with your state's Department of Education for the LEA's noncompliance with the IEP.

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