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Re-evaluation report data



An initial Re eval report was issued Oct 22 and parent input was asked for Oct 21 and provided after the Oct 22 report due date so school issued a  second re-evaluation permission request in early December. Both Re-reevaluation reports only reference classroom onset from the last academic year despite the first report being due at the end of the current 2022-23 academic year and the second full report with parent input being issued halfway through the 2022-23 Q2. Should the classroom observation data be from the current year? Speech therapist had their own current data input, but classroom data which would reflect carryover to other environments (point of issue) is not current. If I request for current data to be included can they deny it in PA?

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Let me start with the caveat that I'm not familiar with PA.  So just answering your question from a general standpoint.

I think there are three ways to approach this.  First, any classroom observations data available and done pursuant to a re-evaluation should be included in the evaluation report.  So if any of the "current observations" you speak of were done prior to finalizing the evaluation report and as part of the re-evaluation process, they should be included.   You can ask for a revised report.

Second, if the classroom data is being collected (or also being collected) for purposes of progress monitoring for the IEP, you can ask any progress monitoring reports that would cover the data you're seeking.  You could also ask that the IEP be amended to include this data in the Present Levels.

Finally, under FERPA, you are entitled to any school record on your child, so you could make the request via that route.  However, it would be best to have the classroom observation data documented in the re-evaluation report, IEP document, or both.

I hope this helps.  I apologize if I didn't quite grasp the crux of your questions.

Carolyn Rowlett, Monitor

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If the eval report was due 10/22, it sounds like the PTR/PTE was signed at the end of the school year given that the 60 days PA includes to get an eval done includes teacher inservice at the beginning of the school year.  It's odd that the only observational data available would be from the few days between the school getting the signed PTR/PTE and the end of the school year.  I would definitely have parent concerns that there was no observation from Aug/Sept/Oct.

What is in any eval report should be 'present levels'.  If you feel that observation data from June is not an accurate reflection of 'present levels', talk to the school and ask them why the only data is from the previous school year.  Not sure that it's worth requesting an IEE at school expense over this but that is an option.  If you feel this info is not sufficiently accurate to base IEP goals and services, you need to make your point and see what the school says.  They might be willing to do interim data collection to see how skills are transferring into environments outside of the SLP's room. 

Also, if 'things taught by the SLP transferring into other environments' is an IEP goal, there should be progress monitoring on how your child is doing with meeting this goal.  If this is the case, I wouldn't pressure the school to have this in the eval report as well as the progress report.  (Although baseline data should be in the eval.)  If this isn't a goal but it's something you feel your child needs to do, I'd ask if this can be added to the IEP.

And yes, the school can say no to your request.  You cannot force them to do something like this.  The only thing you can do would be to pay someone to do an independent eval or request an IEE at school expense.  You can also meet with your child's teachers to gather your own data to see if they are observing what you are concerned about.  Might be better to ask via email.  This way you have what the teacher is seeing in writing.

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