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Erica soto


My daughter is 8 yrs and has CP is wheelchair bound and has one on one services.  My daughter is also dyslexic and is having learning issues with reading and writing.  I have since my daughter was in prek to be retained due to her in my eyes not performing at an appropriate level for her age.  Also back then my daughter was missing lots of school days due to health.  Last year she missed almost 2 months.  I asked for her to be home bound they said no.  Then when she returned I asked that she be retain because she was already behind prior to her absence so I knew she was further behind to be promoted to 3 rd grade especially with STAARS.  I asked for summer school and denied again.  They said my daughter was performing well all 70 no improvement.  But in her test she showed below average and at risk.  Their thing now is to wait and see how she does on the STAARS.  
Am I out of line requesting a retention? Or for summer school services? 
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Is the 1:1 service your daughter receives a 504 accommodation, or does she already have an IEP?  Is your child receiving RTI/MTSS? Did the school evaluate her to determine her eligibility for special education (an IEP)? What was the test that said she's performing well "all 70 no improvement?" 

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Yes, you are out of line to request retention and summer school.  Your child is showing signs of a disability that can be identified at 5.5 years & she is 8 years old.  Child find is mandated under IDEA - wait & see isn't part of the process.  (How long do they plan to wait?  I can see if you asked before winter break & they wanted to wait until mid January.)  Earlier intervention is better than waiting for a child to fall far behind, waiting for them to realise they can't read like their classmates and start having their inner voice call themselves the 'R' word where you now have emotional issues and a reading disability to deal with.

IMO, you need to put in writing a request for a special ed evaluation because you suspect a reading disability.  Have the school bring her up to where her classmates are via specially designed instruction despite them refusing to provide instruction when she had excessive absences due to her medical issues.  And don't ask for summer school.  She needs an IEP and ESY services due to the disability.

70 is barely passing and grades are subjective.  Your child needs normed evaluations and not just passing grades.

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On 1/19/2023 at 10:35 PM, Jenna said:

Is the 1:1 service your daughter receives a 504 accommodation, or does she already have an IEP?  Is your child receiving RTI/MTSS? Did the school evaluate her to determine her eligibility for special education (an IEP)? What was the test that said she's performing well "all 70 no improvement?" 


On 1/20/2023 at 3:46 PM, JSD24 said:

Yes, you are out of line to request retention and summer school.  Your child is showing signs of a disability that can be identified at 5.5 years & she is 8 years old.  Child find is mandated under IDEA - wait & see isn't part of the process.  (How long do they plan to wait?  I can see if you asked before winter break & they wanted to wait until mid January.)  Earlier intervention is better than waiting for a child to fall far behind, waiting for them to realise they can't read like their classmates and start having their inner voice call themselves the 'R' word where you now have emotional issues and a reading disability to deal with.

IMO, you need to put in writing a request for a special ed evaluation because you suspect a reading disability.  Have the school bring her up to where her classmates are via specially designed instruction despite them refusing to provide instruction when she had excessive absences due to her medical issues.  And don't ask for summer school.  She needs an IEP and ESY services due to the disability.

70 is barely passing and grades are subjective.  Your child needs normed evaluations and not just passing grades.


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Yes my daughter has an IEP back in 2017 when she entered the school system at 3 years old.  She was diagnosed with dyslexia I believe last year.  The end of last year I began talking to the school about summer school vs retention sine I did not any improvements especially in reading and math.  The test that shows to me no improvement is the  Beginning of school year middle and end of the school year assessments.  She also takes exams regular tests to see her level of understanding and progress.  That is what I use to base my decisions when talking to the school.  The main reason the school gives at not wanting to retain is because of her friends and social mental set backs.  I believe I know my daughter and those are not issues that would affect her much.  My daughter is very social and capable of making new friends and adapt well.  I rather do it now than later when she to age that will affect her.  I don’t understand why the school is resisting so much. 

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Has your daughter continuously had an IEP since she was 3? If so, what does the IEP or the district's PWN say for why they haven't provided academic interventions? If academics aren't addressed in the IEP, write a letter of parent concerns and request another IEP meeting.

There's a lot of literature discussing risks of grade retention; the district should be willing to share with you the studies they're using as guidance for why they don't want retention. The National Association of School Psychologists has a position statement regarding grade retention at https://www.nasponline.org/research-and-policy/policy-priorities/position-statements (scroll down to "Grade Retention and Social Promotion"). The American Academy of Pediatrics also outlines their position on grade retention for families at https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/gradeschool/school/Pages/Repeating-a-Grade.aspx. Wrightslaw also has info on grade retention (https://www.wrightslaw.com/info/retain.index.htm) to consider. Talk with your child's doctor and psychologist (if she has one), and ask to meet again with the school to come up with an appropriate plan for meeting your daughter's academic needs.

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