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Currently on a 504 wanted to ask school to reconsider IEP


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Hello https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t4c/1/16/1f642.png I have a 13 year old dx ASD & ADHD. School has done their evaluations and since “his grades are good is not going to give him an IEP”. He currently has a 504 and all accomidations are for my son to complete or do. None are for the school or teachers to check in with him to make sure he has understanding and correct paperwork/assignments.
School has done speech eval, OT eval for sensory only and psych eval. Speech Evaluation was done virtually, and I feel lacks a lot of social pragmatics data. I Plan to ask for an IEE.

Not one but 2 Private evaluations documents social pragmatic/paralinguistic delays, flat tone/lack of expression, not engaging in conversation, and executive functioning (unorganized, no follow through, misplacing everything), as well as a 3-year delay in fine motor.
His un-organization is really starting to hurt his grades. Are there goals the school can provide within an IEP? They say there isn’t anything executive functioning wise they can help with. I’m looking for ideas.
**School says they dont help with executive functioning within OT goals...so who would provide those goals? I know the exist. 
The only goal I have is more of a consultive. Where his caseworker would get with each teacher and see what he is missing. Then meet with my son on say Friday just before school is out and help, he get organized and find or give him what he’s missing.
Any ideas or suggestions on how to best ask for a reconsideration and if your child has organization goals how do those look?
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Grades are meaningless IMO when it comes to whether or not a child needs an IEP.  They are not data.  Data is what is needed to determine whether or not an IEP is needed.

Accommodations are not something the child does - they are something the school does.  While you are waiting on the IEP process (reconsideration), I would ask for a 504 team meeting to rewrite the accommodations in terms of what the school must do.  But if you want them to check in for understanding, you will need to show that he may not understand without this accommodation.  You can ask him if he understands the classroom material and hopefully your private evals or the IEE will show this is a needed accommodation.

When you request the IEE, that will start the process for you to ask for a reconsideration.  When the new data comes in, ask to schedule another IEP eligibility determination meeting.

The school can absolutely help with executive functioning if a need is shown.  Click on the link below to see a list of executive functioning goals that Lisa has put together.



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4 hours ago, Carolyn Rowlett said:

Grades are meaningless IMO when it comes to whether or not a child needs an IEP.  They are not data.  Data is what is needed to determine whether or not an IEP is needed.

Accommodations are not something the child does - they are something the school does.  While you are waiting on the IEP process (reconsideration), I would ask for a 504 team meeting to rewrite the accommodations in terms of what the school must do.  But if you want them to check in for understanding, you will need to show that he may not understand without this accommodation.  You can ask him if he understands the classroom material and hopefully your private evals or the IEE will show this is a needed accommodation.

When you request the IEE, that will start the process for you to ask for a reconsideration.  When the new data comes in, ask to schedule another IEP eligibility determination meeting.

The school can absolutely help with executive functioning if a need is shown.  Click on the link below to see a list of executive functioning goals that Lisa has put together.



Thank you! It’s hit or miss, while in the class he understands but if that’s a 3rd period class and then he has 3 more periods by the time he comes home he’s lost. There have been times it’s taken 4 hours to do one assignment because he doesn’t understand.

Simply by asking for an IEE that will start the reconsideration?

Thank you for the link on Executive functioning 

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I should have been more clear regarding the IEE and reconsidering eligibility.  Assuming your request for an IEE is granted, new data from the evaluation should prompt a meeting to go over the results.  If the school doesn't schedule a meeting, ask for one.  Then in the meeting, assuming the data is favorable, you can ask them to reconsider the eligibility status.  Hope this helps.

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