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Looking for some help



My son is currently on an IEP. A little background. He started school in a different district and I fought tooth and nail to get him an IEP, for two years it was fighting that school system. We moved to a different district and amazing things happened. My son was placed in a special program called "Blast" and went from having very difficult behaviors to being completely mainstreamed with the help of accommodations. Now we start 5th grade and we had to change his school because of a move and the new school offered his 'Blast' program (This is the only district that offers this and it is ABA based). At any rate his new school was late (6 weeks into school and they didn't have his IEP! and I called an IEP meeting due to some issues, which I included my son in the meeting as I want him to advocate for himself). Now I have had several meetings with the assistant principal, we are having major behavioral issues, but not only that recently my son has been having an increase in medical issues. I have asked what to do in reference to this and I am told he doesn't need to be on a health plan, but now he is telling me that he is being punished for falling asleep in class when he is tired (Which he can't help as he is iron deficient at this time and we are in the discovery phases of things). Not only that but now they are increasing his services at school because they feel that he needs more than what he was getting. Though I know at his other school he used to put his head down when he was stressed and at this school he is being punished.


Basically, what I am asking is because of his medical conditions (Right now he has a team of 4 specialist. Pulmonologist, Immunology, GI, and we have recently added a hematologist due to his low ferritan levels). Should I see about getting him on a health plan and having this added to his IEP? I am ok with getting notes, but I'm not okay with them taking away his recess and making him sit on a bench because he falls asleep during class. Especially considering his current medical issues. 

The other thing I wanted to ask about is he has verbalized that he isn't being given reduced classwork as well as allowing extra time to complete homework assignments (They don't give him any homework) in class. That he is being made to do it all. We talked about doing odds/evens one or the other with the goal to complete the entire worksheets. 

I'm honestly not sure what to do. I believe my son is having issues and I am advocating and listening to what he is saying, but I also know that at times he does like to blame others for his shortcomings and not take responsibility for his own behaviors that might lead to some of his issues. 

How do I handle this situation and what are some things that I can do, considering that his IEP has been changed a 3rd time this school year to include additional services and to me that is indicative that something is obviously going on. At this time he has complete refusal to going to a specific classroom that he tells me he is simply tired of dealing with the teacher as well as with the students in that class. He has expressed to me that this specific teacher used to call him out in class and ask him if he wants to "Go to the blast room." Basically, embarrassing him in front of his peers and calling him out. At this time, it appears that has stopped and instead she simply ask another student to walk down to the blast program to go get the teacher so then he can be removed from the classroom. Right now I am to the point of asking for a 1:1 to be placed in the classroom with him for redirection and to help with techniques so that he isn't pulled out of the classroom. My son does have issues with other students and we have dealt with some fights this year, some of his own doing because he has a difficult time understanding that his words can hurt others. He does get social skills for such things and appears to understand that things like that can cause issues. 

He is diagnosed with Autism and ADHD is on an IEP for OHI.

I need to know how to proceed on both fronts. The physical health issues are a recent development as we recently got answers on that in December 2022, to which has led to reaching out to other doctors to rule out possible causes for the GI issue that he has. We again are still at a discovery phase and working out a treatment plan. He has a rare GI issue called Collagenous Gastritis which causes stomach cramps, anemia, nausea and vomiting. It makes eating difficult and for a little over a year I have watched him lose weight slowly and go back and forth from eating like he should be to barely eating anything because of how bad the nausea of this illness. 

Well we all know that when we don't eat well and get the nutrients that our body needs how it can physically affect us. 

Any thoughts or considerations and any information regarding health plans would be appreciated. If it is important to know I am in Tennessee.

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Students can have health plans in addition to their IEPs. Health plans are usually written by the school nurse, and they list all of the student's medical needs and how they are addressed in the educational environment (meds to be given, emergency procedures, etc.). Issues like behavior impeding his or others' ability to learn, not being able to complete all school work due to medical conditions, etc. can be addressed through the IEP.

If behavior is impeding his or others' ability to learn, you should request an FBA. You could get letters from the medical providers explaining his conditions. Though doctors can't require the school provide accommodations, they could suggest the IEP team consider accommodations that they feel may help him succeed at school. 

As for the teacher calling out your child and now asking another child to get another teacher- have you spoken directly with that teacher or the principal?

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11 hours ago, Jenna said:

As for the teacher calling out your child and now asking another child to get another teacher- have you spoken directly with that teacher or the principal?

First, I would like to say an FBA isn't an option due to the type of program that he is in. As it was removed when he entered this new program. As it covers a lot of those issues or is supposed to. At his previous school he was on the way to being mainstreamed completely and was upon entering the school here.

Yes I have spoken with the Assistant Principal in reference to this which is why  the teacher stopped calling him out in the classroom and switched to the method of asking another student to go down and get another teacher. Though in my opinion neither should be an option. He should simply be asked "Do you need a break?" Or perhaps a break card again for that specific classroom. I will speak to him this evening. 

Some of the issue is he gets tired of talking about what is going on and he shuts down. He needs time to process what is going on. 

I just didn't know if I needed to do a medical plan to include naps since he is having issues staying awake. He didn't use to fall asleep in class and he has 3 times this year so far, due to these health issues.


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I'd ask to see a copy of the policy for why the current school won't do an FBA try to understand their why on this- if you think one is needed for your child. Behaviors can change, and if behavior interferes with a student's ability to access the educational environment, it should be a relatively easy ask. 

I hope your conversation with the school went well. I agree that another child should not be responsible for getting another teacher. 

Maybe talk with your LEA to see if nap/rest breaks could be added to the IEP as an amendment without a meeting. They may need a note from a medical provider for this, or they may want to have a meeting, but if a child needs it due to medical changes, it seems reasonable for the team to consider adding it.

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