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Child Find Filing


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I'm considering filing a Child Find violation against my school district.  My child was identified by the school in 9th grade. Now, the school can't meet their needs because the needs are so great. My child was in advanced classes not long ago.  Now,they're in remedial classes and not on the college track. They're failing a class and will likely need to re-take it next year. They don't have the skills to execute work, although cognitively they are able to understand and do the work.  I am working with several outside specialists and spending hundreds to thousands on therapy and advocacy every month. I will need to spend this kind of money for the foreseeable future.  We are not wealthy. My child's trajectory has been completely changed because they weren't identified when they were younger.

I want my claim to be successful. I have an email from a teacher telling me to look into ADD specifically. It's from almost 2 years ago. And, I don't want to throw her under the bus. I know she was trying to be helpful at the time. I have emails from over the years that express various concerns. Perhaps something there will be helpful.

We didn't know about special ed and how to request services.  I feel like someone should have told us how to request an evaluation for services when my child was younger.

What other documentation would show that the school knew my child needed help and should have been referred for evaluation?

I'm meeting with a lawyer in a few weeks.


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Hi Laura.  I think most of us on this forum will be hesitant to offer much advice since you are meeting with a lawyer in a few weeks, and that person will answer all of your questions.  But if you are specifically asking what documentation to take to the meeting with the lawyer, I would suggest the following:  1) all email correspondence from any school district personnel expressing the "various concerns" you reference above, as well as any email correspondence from you to the school expressing concerns and asking for help (and, of course, the school's replies); 2) all standardized state and district assessments; 3) all evaluations whether done by the school or an outside provider; 4) class schedules (to show going from advanced classes to remedial) and grade cards; 5) anything (does your child have a 504 Plan or IEP?) showing what the school has done since they identified your child; 6) anything showing that "the school can't meet their needs" (as you state above) such as correspondence from the school, notes you took during meetings, progress monitoring reports (if there is an IEP in place), etc.

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I don't have advice to offer but I had to reply to your post because I am in an extremely similar situation and can relate to your disappointment with the school and concerns for your child. My son was identified at the end of 8th grade and is in 9th grade now. He is so far behind on some essential skills that I fear he may never catch up. I've spent thousands on tutoring (which I don't have, I took out a home equity loan). 

I am very glad you have a lawyer but am so sorry you need one.

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