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When is it OK to graduate from iep to 504?



Hi. I wrote a longer question below but didn't get any suggestions so maybe it was too long! Basically I would appreciate guidance on when it is ok to lose an IEP (7th grade boy with ADHD)? I still think he needs emotional social support (meet regularly with school psych) and the school wants to exit him (after eval) as they say he is accessing the general curriculum well. Can an iep have only social emotional support goals and no academic ones?  Thanks

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You can definitely have social/emotional goals and no academic goals, as long as you can show the social/emotional disability is impacting access to the general curriculum.  Think about what social/emotional goals you think he needs.  For instance, does he need a goal for self-advocacy when he's feeling overwhelmed?  Does he need a goal for recognizing the need to take a break on his own without prompting from teacher?  Does he need a goal for staying on task while doing assignments in class?  Be prepared with specifics.  Ask his general education teachers what issues they are having and prepare arguments that the issues are related to his ADHD and need goals.  If the school evaluation comes back showing he doesn't need any social/emotional goals, don't forget you can ask for an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) at no cost to you.

If meeting regularly with the school psychologist is enough and there is no need for any goals, that could be addressed in a 504 Plan.

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