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Homebound and Transition for After High School

Jen T


What is a school's responsibility if due to trauma, a student hadn't attended school on regular basis since 7th grade, currently in 5th year, for transition to adulthood and graduating high-school? Student is currently on homebound again, has attended school off and on over last 5 years but nothing has been done to put into place transitions, career education, or anything. Student is considered an 11th grader by age, but technically only has 9th grade credits. Student does not want to attend school after next year so based on applied studies Diploma would graduate in 2024. Student has tried to attend school in public and private placement. Had trauma happen in school during 7th grade that was ignored. Student wants to attend school but due to anxiety after being at school for a day will find it very difficult to attend the next day, even part time. Child will have perceived physical pain, headaches, leg pain, stomach pain and feel ill to point unable to return to school next day. Takes Student a period of time to settle into any school setting due to trauma and anxiety. Often out of 60 days Student will attend 1/3 - 1/2 of days due to adjustment. Once Student finally adjusted to school and starts to attend on more consistent basis, student will be dropped from private place due to lack of attendance, even though Student started to show could consistently attend once adjusted. Due to this student has had NO transition preparation including exploring what careers would best fit student, career and technical training, resources for after high school or anything. So student will pretty much leave high school with absolutely no skills. Is there anything that can be done during last year of high school to assist student choosing a career, getting job training and other information. Have requested student be allowed to attend Career Technical Education classes, but classes student interested in are always full. Student would feel comfortable in career training classroom as these are set up as working in career and not a typical classroom. 

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On 3/27/2023 at 11:36 PM, Jenna said:

Has the student been evaluated for special education? If so, do they have an IEP? What has the school done regarding attendance? 

He has an IEP for ED. Was diagnosed with anxiety and depression when young. Has medical  diagnosis of Autism high functioning. Always had difficulty with attendance but never given iep till 6th grade. All schools states is he's been absent a lot and history of absences. Has difficult time feeling comfortable in any placement including private with lots of absences. Had been in private placement being of year but because could not meet 80% attendance in 1st 90 days was dismissed. This was from a push from public school case manager. Private school was working hard to help and him feel comfortable. Was often out 3-4 days a week first 60 days. During next 30 attendance greatly increased to attending 3-4 days per week and at least one full week. Was very comfortable at this school but due to attendance public school case manager pushed for his dismissal though private school had been willing to work with. Tried 2 other placements but not comfortable at either. IEP goals have always been a joke with nothing for supporting anxiety or attending school. I've attached progress report to show goals. Have requested student be able to attend public school in fall for CTE classes in Veterinary Technician but these classes always fill up fast so would be unable to get into them. Was in Vet Tech program at private placement but going part time is not an option, would have to attend full day which gives is difficult with anxiety.


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It seems like there's a long history with the district and concerns have built over years.  I wasn't able to access the attachment, but would recommend not posting progress reports in a forum. Have you been able to speak with an advocate or attorney in your local area? If you feel your child hasn't received FAPE, talking with an advocate sooner is better than later, especially as your child is getting closer to graduation. 

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Your child is not receiving FAPE which is required.  IMO, homebound or cyber school might be appropriate for his placement.  Schools in the US are not allowed to ignore the issues that have resulted in his truancy and lack of instruction.  I feel a lawyer should be involved given how inept the school seems to be at determining your child's needs and meeting them.  I'm not sure if an IEP goal to get a GED is a possibility.  His autism and trauma are not being appropriately addressed by the school.

Also, the pain he feels is real.  The mind/body connection can cause pain to exist when there are emotional issues.

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