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Highschool & SDI'sfor Written Expression

Teresa A


Hello All,

I have a 14yr old boy moving into 9th grade in the Fall. He is a great kid with dyslexia, ADHD, executive function delays (inhibition control, impulse control, working memory), and speech sound production disorder (stutter). This year in 8th grade, he's been in all GenEd classes (for the first time), which has significantly boosted his self-esteem. However, he still has 1:1 for 60mins SDI per week (not a lot) to help manage his goals with written expression, where he needs help with mechanics, organization, and syntax. He hates to revise his essays and needs to remember to use his AT for revising (grammar, spellcheck). I received his IEP draft for 9th grade, and they want to remove his 1:1 w/60 mins per week b/c "they just don't do that in the HS," - which I know is a common excuse that HS/MS uses to get out of providing services. However, I'm looking for creative ways that he can get specialized instruction for written expression to help that would keep him still in all GenEd but would actually instruct him along with his accommodations and not just allow for accommodations. As the webinars have stated, he won't magically have the skills just because he's showing up in 9th grade. He has all the accommodations, like audiobooks, small group testing, extended testing, guided notes, etc. But I'm looking for out-of-the-box ways to bolster his written expression skills. Any suggestions on where to start?  

Thanks so much! 


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