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We might need some specifics to help you; i.e., what isn't being met in the IEP and what are the school's stated excuses, what is the form of the retaliation, etc.  But in the meantime, Lisa has a GREAT general answer to this on her website.  Link is below.


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Yes, if you could give us more information.

Also, please read your Procedural Safeguards booklet (the one they are required to give you once a year) so that you fully understand your rights and your options.

Threatening to "get the state involved" isn't an option that I'm aware of--we have a state hotline, but they won't intervene in disputes. You have your dispute resolution options which will be handled by a state agency. And you can file a state compliance complaint. 

If they are not following the IEP, there are steps you can take. And make sure you're documenting everything.


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