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Add "Supports for School Personnel and Parent Training" to IEP?



Has anyone successfully added "Supports for School Personnel and Parent Training" to thier child's IEP? If so, I am interested to learn more about how you negotiated with any IEP Teams unwilling to add these supports.

My child has an ADHD diagnosis, PTSD diagnosis (this child and thier siblings were adopted from the foster care system and has a history of trauma), dysgraphia, an auditory processing disorder, and an autoimmune disorder. This child will also be evaluated for FASD starting this week. 

I was able to successfully include "Supports for School Personnel and Parent Training" in their IEP in the past.  However, our family moved to a new state last spring.  In the past year I have requested "Supports for School Personnel and Parent Training" be included in this child's IEP, with the IEP Team first disagreeing. The IEP Team later agreed to a very brief training. Despite the training, my child has had accomodations withheld daily (breaks, flexible seating, fidgets, oral sensory tools, calming strategies, teacher provided resources).

In email or phone communication and during IEP Team Meetings last school year, my child was described by their teacher, special education teacher, school leadership, and other IEP team members as "the student is personable but isn't motivated and would do better if they just tried harder" (paraphrased).  This communication is also indicated in writing in my child's IEP progress notes, etc from IEP team members.  This is just one example of how my child's teachers, special education personnel, service providers, and I need to work closely together to understand my child's disability, recognize how the disability affects my child's educational performance, and collaborate to meet my child's educational needs.

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My first question would be what would the training be for/what was the training for in the past?  In your post, you mention accommodations being withheld.  That would not require any training.  That is a procedural violation of not following the IEP document, as well as potentially discrimination if these are needed for the disabled child to access the educational setting.  Maybe a state complaint is what you need to do?  Of file an OCR complaint?  First you might loop in the Director of Special Education if you haven't already, just in case that person is unaware of what this IEP team is doing and saying.  If he/she doesn't take any action, then I would proceed with a state complaint.

The language the team is using is completely inappropriate for a child with disabilities - assuming it is the due to the disabilities that the child cannot "do better."  Since you transferred to a new state, did the new school district do their own evaluation?  They should have.  If their evaluation does not give you the data you need to show the team that the disabilities are affecting his progress and not his "motivation," then ask for an Individual Educational Evaluation.  If it shows the disabilities as hindering the progress and the school ignores this and continues to blame it on "motivation," you have a pretty good case for discrimination.  

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I would write a parent letter of concern as the school staff seems to be unfamiliar with PTSD, dysgraphia, an auditory processing disorder, and an autoimmune disorder and suspected FASD might look in the classroom.  Trying harder is not possible when a student has delays due to a combination of these disabing issues.  What's needed is either accommodations or special instruction so they can try starting to overcome their disabilities.

You might want to send them this:  https://scontent-lga3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/71143834_3039163332824480_4003938731475075072_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=9267fe&_nc_ohc=PfKpj8ZwlsUAX_wWUvD&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2.xx&oh=00_AfD72qiyDMIWTFb4tAJcD9JhV8G0Rn-gAfUs53oLA-nDbA&oe=650C4829

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