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SC OSEP Townhall & ACESD

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South Carolina ACESD & OSEP Townhall dates

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The OSEP requires each state to engage stakeholders in the target-setting process, including the examination and revision of SPP targets and improvement activities. To achieve the goal of meaningful stakeholder engagement, the OSES will host a series of virtual statewide stakeholder meetings. Please publicize to interested parties; i.e., parents of children with disabilities
Please see Memo for Zoom meeting links and dates.



(ACESD) Advisory Council for Educating Students with Disabilities has virtual meetings. There is an opportunity for Public Comment. Please refer to the link to respond. 


https://ed.sc.gov/districts-schools/special-education-services/oversight-and-assistance-o-a/acesd/#:~:text=The South Carolina Advisory Council,Data and reports

27701_SPP.APR Stakeholder Involvement Memo 10.11.22.pdf

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