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“Off the books” meeting in Pennsylvania?


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Are all meetings with IEP teams supposed to receive a formal invitation? 

The school and I disagreed about something. I indicated it on the NOREP/PWN but checked the I agree box. The learning support teacher sent me an email, cc’d the team, and set up a meeting to discuss. This was last week; meeting is next week. Ordinarily, they send me a formal meeting invite to return but I have not received one for this meeting. 

is it possible to have an “off the books” meeting? I thought all meetings required the formal invite in Pennsylvania.

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No, not every meeting requires a formal invitation. Only the annual.


In my experience, teams get really squirmy in their seats when you do anything to a NOREP/PWN besides check "I agree" and sign it, lol. 

This is basically an extension of the annual IEP meeting, but it doesn't require a separate formal invitation.



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