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District tells me moving from co-teaching classroom to gen-ed classroom is not a change in placement



We moved from one zoned school district (where my son is in the inclusionary co-teaching classroom due to autism) to a different zoned school within the same district which does not have any co-teaching classrooms available for my son to be in. So he would be in a gen-ed classroom. I've attached a message from the chief of state & federal programs for the district saying that there is no change in placement. 

On his IEP, placement has co-teaching checked (as well as consultative and small groups). The district is arguing that he is changing schools but not placement, therefore it isn't affecting his IEP and they don't need to provide PWN. However, wouldn't changing from a co-teaching classroom to a gen-ed classroom be a change in placement? A special education coordinator tried to argue with me on the phone that even though it's checked on his IEP, he isn't receiving those services (because it's not listed in the boxes?). Except. He is. He is in the co-teacher classroom. 

Would love any help or advice on resources from anyone out there! I think we may need to file a Dept of Ed complaint in order to get this resolved. Would you all agree?




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This sounds frustrating. I think I would try to go a lower profile route first, though. If the district isn't set up for coteaching, you won't really be able to get it. They might fake it, but if the teachers aren't trained, it won't really happen. How would you feel about push in services were the special education teacher came in to the regular education classroom? That could get a similar effect to coteaching, and would be alot lower threshhold for the district implement. 



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There is a difference between placement and location. And based on what you've written, this is how I interpret it.

  • Your child is changing locations, not placement. Placement is the % at the back of the IEP, listing how much time they spend with their non disabled peers.
  • The district is however, trying to reduce supports and services. If the support/service is in the IEP, they cannot make this change without issuing a PWN. All IEP changes are a team decision.
  • Location change is not an IEP team decision. For example, let's say your child spends all day in a self contained classroom at the elementary school down the street from your home. The school district has population shifts, so they now decide to move that self-contained classroom to the elementary school across town. (this is an actual scenario that happens often) They have changed location, but not placement. 
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15 hours ago, Christy McGuire said:


This sounds frustrating. I think I would try to go a lower profile route first, though. If the district isn't set up for coteaching, you won't really be able to get it. They might fake it, but if the teachers aren't trained, it won't really happen. How would you feel about push in services were the special education teacher came in to the regular education classroom? That could get a similar effect to coteaching, and would be alot lower threshhold for the district implement. 


Couldn't the training be required for the teachers in question? I understand it may push out the implementation further.

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Co-taught classroom is a gen ed placement.  Gen ed is gen ed.  This means there is no change in placement.  With co-taught, you get a 2nd teacher with a sp ed cert pushing in sp ed services as needed.  This is what's "missing" when you move from co-taught to gen ed.  If your child needs push-in from a teacher during math (whatever the co-taught class was) class, this is what you ask the new school to do.  (IMO, this is a step down in services.  The school should have data that this service isn't needed with making this change.)

You told the school 'change of placement' when there was none which is why you got the reply you did.  You need to go back and say 'step down in services' which is what happened.

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