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TN Mom


I received an invitation from our son's case manager last week to meet for his triennial evaluation. Her comment was that "the team" had decided. Red flag! Team member here! No parental input document had been sent. Red Flag #2.

I asked for the date of his last evaluation and was told that it was performed in 2020,thus the reevaluation's correct date would have been 2023.

He graduates in May. Is there a purpose ? Am I legally required to attend?


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There is no legal requirement for parents to attend any school meeting.  I'd ask to see a copy of the eval so you can better prepare for the meeting.  (Some states can't do this - it has to be shared at a meeting - but many can.)  You can ask when you gave permission for the eval.  Unless it was just a records review, parents need to give permission in writing for the triennial eval to happen.  You can also ask when they reached out to you for your input.

If your child is heading to college or any post HS training program, the school's eval can be used for these schools to provide accommodations.  They will need a written report as to why your son needs accommodations in college.

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"parents need to give permission in writing for the triennial eval to happen. You can also ask when they reached out to you for your input"

Thank you for your response. 

No permission was granted nor input requested. When I made this point, I received a .pdf form to complete.  The     " team", I was told, determined the necessity. Well, someone forgot to include this team member. 

I have been told that I can revoke any permission to evaluate/reevaluate. 

In the meantime, I have submitted a formal request for an IEP meeting in order to learn more about how the determination was made and how it will benefit our child (3 months until graduation; already admitted to college; and receiving an academic scholarship)

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Is this the same child who had the OT eval you can't be given any info about?  They seem to talking out of both sides of their mouth.

I'm in PA & schools who mess up with timelines have the PA Dept of Ed breathing down their back looking at EVERYONE's timelines for at least 6 months.  Are you going to file a state complaint about this?

When my daughter went to college, she had a small academic scholarship but still needed some accommodations.

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Yes, this is the same child.

My comment about his achievements was a simple, "in spite of it all, he will succeed" and in the frustration of at this point, it shouldn't still be this hard.

University SDS has already been contacted and he will hopefully make use of all that is available. 

BTW, Administrative Complaints have been filed.


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