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"Closed" for Summer



I was hoping someone could help me find where to look for answers about who is responsible for getting things done over the summer?
Current situation:
  • In April, at an IEP meeting, I requested in-home training evaluation
  • Evaluation was completed and delivered ONE DAY AFTER school ended for summer.  
  • Evaluation clearly finds that the student is not getting appropriate support in home setting and training is recommended
  • Student was NOT recommended for ESY because he was doing so well in school setting
  • NOW student is home for entire summer in the setting where he has support needs
  • I requested an "amendment without a meeting" to the IEP to receive in-home training over summer 
  • District sent PWN saying that they are "not refusing, but campus is closed for summer...so must wait and discuss at IEP meeting when school resumes"
HOW IS THIS OKAY, and what recourse do I have when they are "not refusing" but just "closed for summer"?
Thanks for any help you can provide!
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Yes, case law has supported this, unfortunately. 


I would spend the summer researching and planning for what you're going to ask for, when school returns in the fall.


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I believe that NJ has the clock run in the summer but, in other states, where there is no gen ed teacher available, the timeline clock is stopped.

Are they willing to give you a meeting date now for the fall so the training can start asap?

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You could try asking for a meeting and agreeing to excuse all the required team members who, by contract, are off for the summer.  But I don't know who that would leave you with or if the school would even agree to a meeting under those circumstances.  You might also try asking for an informal meeting with the director of special education IF s/he is contracted year-round and IF s/he would agree to it.

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