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  1. I've been advocating for people with disabilities for almost 20 years. Before my kids were born I worked in student services at a law school and part of my responsibilities was as a disability services coordinator. I found that I genuinely had a passion for it and attended all the conferences and read as many books as I could to try to help my students. Then my oldest son was born with a genetic syndrome that came with many challenges (Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, and more) so I started learning about IDEA , IEPs and everything else that goes along with having a child with disabilities. Over the years I would share my knowledge through online platforms, through the parent support and resource group I helped start in my school district and through my county Parent Advisory Committee. l found that there are a lot of families out there that really need help so with a little convincing from some friends and family, I decided to start my own special ed advocacy and consulting company. I mainly work with clients in my own state of Michigan, but have given presentations to local and national audiences (which is another interest of mine). It's been a very rewarding career helping families navigate the process and become better advocates themselves. I'm also happy to have this forum to be able to provide my insight and knowledge to help others and look forward to learning from all of you as well.
    1 point
  2. South Carolina ACESD & OSEP Townhall dates Please copy and share! The OSEP requires each state to engage stakeholders in the target-setting process, including the examination and revision of SPP targets and improvement activities. To achieve the goal of meaningful stakeholder engagement, the OSES will host a series of virtual statewide stakeholder meetings. Please publicize to interested parties; i.e., parents of children with disabilities Please see Memo for Zoom meeting links and dates. https://ed.sc.gov/newsroom/school-district-memoranda-archive/state-performance-plan-spp-annual-performance-report-apr-stakeholder-involvement/state-performance-plan-spp-annual-performance-report-apr-stakeholder-involvement-memo/?fbclid=IwAR0SwRyTHH_b_IkRSmeJKVjv1VyocmVOuWHKJJjKDV0hSEMYN30FbeyjYWA (ACESD) Advisory Council for Educating Students with Disabilities has virtual meetings. There is an opportunity for Public Comment. Please refer to the link to respond. https://ed.sc.gov/districts-schools/special-education-services/oversight-and-assistance-o-a/acesd/#:~:text=The South Carolina Advisory Council,Data and reports 27701_SPP.APR Stakeholder Involvement Memo 10.11.22.pdf
    1 point
  3. I would add that it is significant that they came to you to ask that he not miss recess. That means someone saw this as a problem and is trying to fix it. As a side note, accross settings can be really important and effective. I have noticed that my kids can often produce the right sounds in therapy, but not elsewhere. This change may be beneficial a couple of ways.
    1 point
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