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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2022 in all areas

  1. How can I remove the advertising pop-ups that are changing all the time on my screen? Is there a way to have these removed? Like some of our children, we have visual issues as well and these interfere with reading and responding to posts. Thanks!!
    1 point
  2. I would love to put together a list of recommended books for parents and caregivers of disabled children. There have been so many that have helped me over the years. Hit me with your favorites and I'll compile them for the group.
    1 point
  3. I am sharing this webinar information because it may be useful. (and I want to test out the Events Calendar feature on here!) This seems a little basic, but we all have to start somewhere. Hopefully you will get beyond knowing what "ESY" stands for. This self-paced twelve module online course provides participants with instruction on required elements for each section of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) as well as best practice considerations when preparing for and conducting an IEP team meeting. Objectives Module 1: Participants will be able to: - Identify the name of the current federal special education law - State the 13 disability categories recognized by IDEA - Analyze the elements of the special education evaluation process Module 2: Participants will be able to: - State the federal agency that oversees special education - Explain that "ESY" is an acronym for "Extended School Year" - Summarize that short-term objectives are only required for students who are eligible to take the PASA Module 3: Participants will be able to: - Explain the circumstances under which a draft copy of the IEP can be presented at an IEP team meeting - Identify how frequently a student's IEP team must meet - Compare situations when an IEP team member may sign the IEP based upon attendance Module 4: Participants will be able to: - Determine the sections of the IEP that must be considered when checking "yes" in the special considerations section of the IEP - State under what circumstances a communication plan must be developed for a student - Express when assistive technology should be considered a special consideration Module 5: Participants will be able to: - Summarize the required elements of the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance section of the IEP - Interpret the circumstances under which a student's progress toward current measurable annual goals should be included in the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance section of the IEP - Describe what is meant by "strengths" relative to the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance Module 6: Participants will be able to: - Identify when secondary transition planning must occur for a student with a disability - State the three areas of postsecondary transition planning - Compare the differences between a measurable annual goal and a postsecondary goal Module 7: Participants will be able to: - Explain the grade levels in which the PSSA is administered - Describe the content areas that are assessed via the Keystone exams - Identify the circumstances under which a student should take the ACCESS assessment Module 8: Participants will be able to: - Examine when the "report of progress" section of the IEP should be populated with data - Explain the time frame that progress reports for students with disabilities must be sent to parents - Summarize the purpose of monitoring student progress with regard to the IEP Module 9: Participants will be able to: - Explain that inclusive practices benefit students with disabilities as well as their non-disabled peers - Summarize the requirement related to the selection of instructional practices based upon peer-reviewed research - Describe the requirement for ongoing data collection to determine if a student is eligible to receive extended school year services Module 10: Participants will be able to: - Identify what is required regarding the "Questions for the IEP Team" - Explain that the determination of a student's educational placement occur after all other sections of the IEP are discussed - Evaluate placements that are considered to be "regular education class" Module 11: Participants will be able to: - Explain why the Pennsylvania Department of Education must collect PennData information - Explain the difference between "amount of special education" and "location of special education" - Summarize when Section B of section VIII of the IEP must be completed Module 12: Participants will be able to: - Explain appropriate vocabulary to use while conducting an IEP team meeting - Compare potential pros and cons of communication modes to engage families - Describe at least three considerations to ensure family engagement at an IEP team meeting Target Audience Special Education Teachers, Administrators, General Education Teachers, Parents More info: https://www.pattan.net/Events/On-line-Courses/Course-2739/Events/Session-36776
    1 point
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