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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2022 in all areas

  1. I'm in OH rather than PA. I'm wondering what happens when a child receives a "write up" at your school? If your child has an IEP, and behavior is impeding your child's ability to learn, then an FBA should be done to create a Positive Behavioral Support Plan. Has this been done? If so and it seems the school isn't following the plan, you could start with requesting an IEP meeting to discuss your concerns. Lisa has info on behavior and FBAs at https://adayinourshoes.com/behavior-iep-special-education/. The Pennyslvania Training and Technical Assistance Network also has info on FBAs and positive behavioral supports at https://www.pattan.net/Multi-Tiered-System-of-Support/Behavior (click on "resources").
    1 point
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