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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2023 in all areas

  1. Good news for this 6th Grader... He is exempt from doing IXL and we got the school to purchase the complete package of Barton lessons. The parent wrote a very compelling response to the PPWN that challenged some of the incorrect statements. Within hours the school changed their position. In addition, we got him an AT Assessment, thanks to your suggestions. So all of our primary problems have been resolved. The only outstanding issues are two teachers who think this boy is looking for excuses and just needs to buckle down and get his work done. Thanks again for all those who responded and all of you who care.
    1 point
  2. Unfortunate. Are any other parents concerned about the violence in the school? A group effort is always helpful and can make a bigger impact if you all go together.
    1 point
  3. Document each time this happens with an email to the school rep who calls you telling you your child can't go to school confirming their conversation with you. How is the school providing education and any related services to your child while they can't attend school due to the district not allowing them at school? I'd recommend an IEP meeting to discuss how this will be addressed when the aide is absent, if it's not already addressed in the IEP.
    1 point
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