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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2023 in all areas

  1. I agree to seek an attorney's input on this....because you'd be seeking comp ed, if they child went through an entire academic career without needed supports.
    1 point
  2. Unless IDEA or your state were to change terms, I would stick with the language we've been given. Over the past 13 years, I've seen sooooo many teams do so many mental and verbal gymnastics....rather than say what needs to be said. If only they'd focused on meeting kids' needs, rather than trying to cook up new verbiage.....
    1 point
  3. Let me preface this with the fact that autism is not one of my areas of expertise. So perhaps others will respond, as well. But having said that, you can ask for anything in the IEP that you feel is necessitated by his disability and is affecting his access to an education. I would think that since he is already in a self-contained environment that the school would be receptive, especially since you are covering the cost. It might depend on how his educational instruction could be handled if he only attended half days. But it would be worth a discussion, in my opinion. If the school district is not receptive to this, you may need to get data showing a need. You don't state where you are at in the IEP process, so I don't know if that would mean requesting a school evaluation/FBA or an Independent Educational Evaluation/FBA.
    1 point
  4. my email and response from the director of sped- they still aren't getting it!!! I again requested prior written notice, per sec. 303.421 of IDEA, stating the proposal of 100 minutes in the classroom and 160 minutes of classroom was refused as well as the reasons for that refusal, including what evaluation data was used to determine the refusal. The prior written notice used in CCSD21 is the notification of conference and providing the evaluation report three days prior to the initial evaluation IEP. We do not send home a services and placement page. The services and placement are a conversation in the IEP meeting.
    0 points
  5. That’s exactly what they said I just went to meeting yesterday and they disagreed with both evaluations that they paid for said it didn’t effect is education they gave him a 504
    0 points
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