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  1. You're right- wait and see is our only option at this point. They completed a "screening " ( generated from the PPT meeting) and it looks like they have deemed that an IEP isn't necessary. There is a potential 504 meeting scheduled but I have little hope this will be done because they state they "accommodate every student" at this kindergarten age. It's interesting that the outside evaluations and diagnosed conditions carry no weight and all of the professionals readily recognize that the this struggle isn't uncommon for parents. My daughter will continue outside speech and OT. My sense from the discussion with the outside speech pathologist is that in-school speech therapy is limited in scope and private practitioners can do more . I can see why parents struggle-
  2. Thought I would update on our progress. PPT is scheduled for next week-Up to this point, head phone accommodations have been fulfilled ( Granddaughter is noise sensitive). The school acknowledges that there are shortages with regards to teachers and they are sharing teachers among other schools in the district. SO here were are again.. The school has refused an IEP because her behavior is " good enough" for Kindergarten despite the diagnosis and struggles with adhd and anxiety and she has been out with pneumonia for the last week and was only in school for 1 week. There appears to be intimidation and I believe it has everything to do with money. The sense that 10 minutes can present an accurate assessment of the struggles of an ADHD 5 year old in the classroom without taking the diagnosis and expert assessment into account is mind boggling and extremely frustrating. My daughter is beside herself and we are discouraged.
  3. Hello I see a lot of posts about parents medicating their children for ADHD /anxiety and I'm wondering if there are any alternatives that work for parents.
  4. Thought I would update on our progress. PPT is scheduled for next week-Up to this point, head phone accommodations have been fulfilled ( Granddaughter is noise sensitive). The school acknowledges that there are shortages with regards to teachers and they are sharing teachers among other schools in the district. Are there specific things that parent should be prepared to bring to the PPT other than the assessments from Neuropsychological,speech and OT that have already been completed? There has been little information as to meeting content or parental role from the school.
  5. Thank for you reply! Diagnosed with ADHD,General anxiety disorder and Sensory Processing disorder. Speech and OT have been outside the pre-school system-there was no special ed in the preschool. My daughter has been seeking help since her daughter turned 3 but the assessments have all been completed outside the pre-school system within the last year. We were unaware of the requested time frame-learning as we go..
  6. I have a granddaughter starting Kindergarten and she has already been diagnosed by 2 Neuropsychologists. She is in speech and OT currently ( in pre-school) .Should my daughter be advocating for an IEP? The school called and said she would have to wait until school starts before they will discuss accommodations. She isn't sure what questions to ask or how to proceed despite her best efforts to get information. I am researching as much as I can to assist but as your website states-its not easy! Thank you in advance!
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