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Christi Blunt

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Everything posted by Christi Blunt

  1. Good morning, I have a case where the initial evaluation was started 4/28/2022 and completed 10/6/2022. The child didn't qualify for services even though most of his T-scores on the BASC3 was above 70 so in the clinically significant area. The child also has a diagnosis of Autism, ADHD, and OCD. I was informed yesterday in a meeting we can no longer use the initial evaluation to try to get services. The school has to perform a whole new evaluation. This is in the state of Missouri. Is this true? The evaluation is not even a year old. Any suggestions? This was a very heated meeting with the Director of Special Education. I just don't want to be pushed around. Thanks, Christi
  2. Great! Thank you! Another question about this case. If the school agrees to a reevaluation for an IEP, will the student get services while the reevaluation is happening? This is in Missouri and currently on a 504 plan. The student was denied services last school year. The teacher, behavior coach, and assistant principal all believe the student should be on an IEP. The counselor and psychologist does not believe the student needs an IEP.
  3. No she wants them to take another look at the initial evaluation instead of conducting a whole new evaluation. Okay, this is all great information. The student has a 504 plan but poorly written. I will work on this as well. Thank you
  4. We are going to request another evaluation. I did find out the psychologist was an intern last year at the school who conducted the evaluation. The school said the student was not eligible for services, but every example they gave showed behavior social and academic struggles. That’s why we are going to request a new eval. I’m trying to play nice and make them seem like we are working as a team. However, we might have to request an IEE. The PWN was poorly written as well as the evaluation. The mom asked if we could request to look at the evaluation again, but I told her we want a whole new evaluation instead. Any suggestions?
  5. This is in the state of Missouri. The client was diagnosed with ADHD, Autism, and OCD. On the prior written notice it states “The option to provide initial services and initial eligibility was considered, but rejected as “student” did not meet eligibility criteria for the state of Missouri in any area of special education.” I have picked apart the evaluation and do not agree with a lot of the comments. In one area of the evaluation it states the student does not qualify but in another area the evaluation discuses all the social/academic/behavior struggles (like only completing 1/3 work). The mom wants to request an IQ test to ensure the child is not getting bored at school instead of struggling. The student’s younger brother (18 months apart) is in the gifted program. Any suggestions?
  6. I’m an advocate. My client currently was denied services the spring of 2022. I am asking for a reevaluation at our next meeting. The mom wants to request a IQ test. Will this potentially hurt our chances for services. Thanks in advance.
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