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Kendra mackenzie

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Status Updates posted by Kendra mackenzie

  1. I really need some help. I am going to a meeting to support a friend in Rhode Island. She has a son with high functioning autism . He is in high school and has been having extreme difficulty in going to school. My friend has a court heating in family court. I don't know all the details and I am not an advocate but I just want to know the best way to support a fellow parent 



    I  think I am going to reorganize my IEP paperwork. I have over 11 years off paperwork to put in chronological order  any tips wish me luck. 

  3. Hi just a general question I think I forgot but how do I  post a question to a group. I need a refresher 

  4. Hi what is proportion funding  how does this apply to homeschooling and private school. I think it's related to child find. But what is it

  5.    how do you post a question to a club 

    1. Kristen


      I'm having trouble with this too🫣

    2. LadyDJ


      Thank you so much for asking this 🙂

    3. Janis


      Me too.....I am trying to post for the first time (I do not have Facebook), and need help navigating.

      If anyone has time for a few quick tips, my phone number is 310-849-8761.  Texts are great because little ears hear everything!

      But I am in a big pickle with lots to learn, legal deadlines, and total confusion about procedure (I do not have an advocate nor an attorney).  I have been doing this on my own as a single mom with twins through multiple districts in California.  I need help...but can offer help in some areas.  Just not technology!

      I'm extremely isolated (my family is all in PA) and could use a little hand holding or a shoulder right now. 

  6. Just curious how long are you supposed to keep iep paperwork I have papers from kindergarten my kid is in 11th grade how long do I keep it how do I organize it by year or by category. 

  7. I am trying to learn how to use this program. 

    1. Site Admin

      Site Admin

      Me too! Lol. Change is always hard, but the more I poke around the more cool stuff I find in here.

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