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when the effort to keep kids in LRE creates a more restrictive setting for those kids fail every other option



All of my kids have moved from no supports/100% gen ed to more and more restrictive settings..including nonpublic (100% kids on IEPs)/special needs schools and residential and each on of them really would do best with a gen-ed setting..that is what they want, that is the best fit socially and somewhat academically BUT the large classroom size of gen-ed becomes the barrier. In two cases, the kids need more social-emotional supports and maybe a slightly slower/flexible pace, in one case the kid just needs a little LD help in writing and math but that is not available at his school w/out getting pull out (I know I know..this is not okay but there's literally no way to hire/fill this). He refused his services b/c he will not go into the "baby" RSP room. 

Two kids have been removed from our district for "appropriate" settings and that results in children growing up with no friends b/c no one lives near by and there's zero community in the "all special ed" schools...also the kids that tend to go to these places don't have the best social skills/leanings.  BUT..my kids do..they are very socially seeking, they want pals BADLY. My 15yr old is finally back on a gen ed campus and hasn't had a friend in our town since 2018. If you met her, you would never guess this kid has no friends (other than online).  she may start her own club to find others who need friends. I'm so angry.she's missed her tweens and 1/2 her teens with no pals.


I really think this boils down to the state or the counties need to change their gen-ed and co-teaching options. But that isn't quite "a special ed" thing only.  Who makes these decisions about only having classrooms of 24-36? Why can't we intentionally make classes of 12-15? Is it just the limits of how much the state can give to a school per child that is the driver? It might be a space issue here..there's not spare rooms on any campus.   But I would like to start voicing this to someone in our state ,   I just don't know who.  I know several others feel this way..their "high functioning" kids should not need to be removed form a gen ed feel/setting/campus to get their needs met. I am also sure there's families with more severely impacted kid that ALSO would be okay-ish in some time in more of a gen ed classroom IF it was not such full madhouse.  This isn't just the high-functioning kids issue.

Also there are kids with NO IEPs that also could benefit from a smaller setting.

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I'm not sure I understand your question, or if it is a question.

I would ask to meet with your school board member for coffee. https://adayinourshoes.com/iep-concerns-school-board/

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