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Removing “consecutive” from trials in all goals



Pennsylvania if it matters.

School team removed “consecutive” from all goals in their most recent revision. So, for example, instead of reading “3 out of 4 consecutive trials,” they read “3 out of 4 trials.” Child has never had an issue meeting goals before. In fact, child is very quickly closing gap between peers. 

I stated that it will make it easier for him. One team member said sometimes kids have a bad day and if they miss it once, they have to start over again if it says consecutive. Another team member said having consecutive is an unnatural mastery. 

I can’t find any solid data for a good argument against it but I don’t agree with it because it’s making it easier for him, and then for them to remove his IEP. 

what are some good arguments to keep “consecutive” in his goals? 

Is this even a fight worth fighting?

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After about 15 minutes of research, I also could not find any solid data for your argument!  But most websites and experts on the Internet recommend it, so it must not be "an unnatural mastery."  Also, I don't understand their statement about "having to start over."  One reason most goals state "3 out of 4" or something similar is that it takes into account the "bad day" possibility.  The trials themselves have to be consecutive - the goal is only 3 out of 4, which allows for one "miss."

Although I couldn't find any data, the overall consensus seems to be that doing something "in a row" (or close to it) is a sign of mastery.  The argument is if they can't show they can do a skill "consecutively," it isn't mastered.

Having said all that, I'm not sure it's a fight worth fighting if you are comfortable with his progress, scores on standardized tests, reading ability at home, and comprehension of classroom material.

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The way I've seen goals, it's been more like scoring 70 or 80% in 3 out of 4 trials.  I've not seen the word consecutive.  A subsequent goal would be to increase the percentage; if it's 70, move it up to 75 or 80.  70 is barely passing in my school district.  They have A, B, C and F so below 70 is failing.

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