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told no to a iep eval at 504 AFTER handing in a request letter -timing question


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so this is for a close pal so I need to keep this fairly generic but they handed in a IEP eval a request this AM to the district office and then met with the principal to start a 504 this afternoon (their kid needs some emotional support help ASAP) and the principal brought in the school psych and they proceeded to tell the parents that the kid could not qualify as they said he had no learning differences (they must have showed an old IQ test..only an iq test not a full neuropsych) and that they insisted that IEPs are not meant for emotional disabilities, only for academic reason. So I know this is not true..I have two ED kids in this district.   The kid's struggles are acute but also there's plenty of previous data (infact that had started an eval in kinder but b/c of covid it got halted and the parents dropped it) and the kid's iq may be okay but he's not doing that well on grades either.   So here's the question...the district office has the request so the clock has started. Will the DO now check with the princ/school psych and then send PWN based on this? OR will the district independently look at the situation and possibly eval DESPITE what the princ/psych said?

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I think your friend needs to pull in the director of special education, which hopefully the district office already did, but you never know.  I would send the evaluation request attached to an email to him/her and tell him/her that they suspect their child has a disability in the area of emotional disturbance and want their child evaluated in that area.  It would also be helpful if they could produce some "proof," such as times when the teacher has noticed meltdowns, etc.  Factual instances.  The director of special ed should know that a PWN is to be sent if they refuse.  If it isn't, follow up with the director of spec ed and ask for one.  And make sure the reason for denial is specific.  Also, if refused, tell your friend to request an IEE.

I would not deal with the principal and school psych on this matter anymore (until they have to during the IEP process).  They are either uneducated or lying - both unacceptable.  Of course there are more categories of disabilities under the IDEA than just specific learning disabilities.  Does the school deny blind and deaf students if they don't have a learning disability?  Or autistic students?  Of physically impaired?  I would hope not.  I would also not deal with the district office anymore - too cumbersome.  Go straight to the director of spec ed.

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I mean the district office is tiny so I believe when they turned in the letter to the front desk, the letter request was walked down the  15 foot hallway:)       I will pass on what you said. What is killing me is I think the school psych and the principal REALLY believe that the only kids that get ED supports (or even some social-emotional services/goals under OHI) are 10 out of 10 disaster kids. I know this is not true..I have these kids!!! I know they get really important emotional reg goals and work...just not at this particular school site.  If the princ and school psych are inaccurate walls in the way of access...this is massive

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the parent has data that the kid cries alot at school over the last many years, there's certainly separation anxiety (which the parent is blamed for ..ofcourse but can be a kid that really can't self regulate inherently), the kid's iq  doesn't match the lower performance in the classroom and recently they have self harm/si stuff and school refusal..on a young kiddo.

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