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IEP agenda

Christi Blunt


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No.  The school district doesn't even have to provide an agenda prior to a meeting when they call a meeting.  Although not legally required, your client should probably inform the school district as to why he/she called the meeting, unless he/she is trying to catch them off guard with a specific question that he/she doesn't want them to have time to prepare for.

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Ok.  You should know in case the school pushes back when the parents refuse to provide an agenda that nothing in the IDEA or its regulations explicitly gives the parents a right to request a team meeting.  So if they wanted to be difficult, the school might refuse to have the meeting without the parent providing an agenda.  However, the Federal Register grants parents this right on p. 46676, Volume 71, Number 156, dated 8/14/06 on the topic "Rules and Regulations."  Show them that, if needed.  As to whether or not a parent has to provide a reason for calling a meeting, that is not addressed.  I would also suggest checking your state's policies and regs - a lot of times states will put a parent's right to request a meeting in their state plan.  If the school still refuses, your client could request a mediation.

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It that case, I can tell you if there is a state policy - there is!  (I'm in Kansas and Missouri.)  In the Kansas Process Handbook (p. 88) it states that "the parents of a child with an exceptionality have the right to request an IEP meeting at any time."  It is silent as to whether or not the parent must inform the school district of the purpose for the meeting, but there is no requirement to do so.

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