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Hi there! We had an IEP meeting 2 weeks ago. At that meeting we discussed ESY, next year placement and I requested team meetings every 6 weeks which they agreed to and said they would add to the IEP. The only post meeting documentation  I have received are meeting minutes. We have our annua IEP MEETING in one month.  Would you be asking for an PWN (prior written notice) for the proposals from the initial meeting ? I agree with the next year placement and want to be sure they don’t come back and take that option away. Thank you! 

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When a PWN is required is sometimes state specific.  So you might check your state department of education's website for a list of when they require PWN's (or just call).  It is possible that they don't need to send you one until the change is put into the IEP document.  A copy of the minutes should protect you from them withdrawing their proposals.

But there are other things you could do.  You could send an email outlining the proposals made and agreed to at the meeting in the guise of "hey, I just wanted to confirm what we spoke about on_____ since we're coming up on the annual meeting."

You could also ask for a PWN showing the agreed to proposals (the worst they can do is say they don't have to do this).


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On 4/19/2023 at 12:27 PM, Carolyn Rowlett said:

When a PWN is required is sometimes state specific.  So you might check your state department of education's website for a list of when they require PWN's (or just call).  It is possible that they don't need to send you one until the change is put into the IEP document.  A copy of the minutes should protect you from them withdrawing their proposals.

But there are other things you could do.  You could send an email outlining the proposals made and agreed to at the meeting in the guise of "hey, I just wanted to confirm what we spoke about on_____ since we're coming up on the annual meeting."

You could also ask for a PWN showing the agreed to proposals (the worst they can do is say they don't have to do this).


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