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accommodation possibly denied



Hi there.

I just received the first copy of my daughter's IEP. For the most part, everything looks how it should. It is missing three important things. One being an executive function goal. Then two accommodations were not included, 1. No reading outloud in class   2. extended time on tests

My daughter is in the 10th grade and recently diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD.

I emailed the team and heard back from one special educator saying that she is adding the executive function goal of helping my daughter with finishing and turning in assignments. That was it, nothing about the 2 accommodations that I requested. Both are very important especially the no reading aloud. It causes great stress and anxiety.

I believe it should be in the IEP even if the teachers are all following this request. It should be in there, right?

If I am denied this being put in the IEP, do I ask for it to be put in a PWN?


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My first question is:  Did the team agree to the two accommodations during the meeting?  If so, your argument should be they need to put in the accommodations that they agree to during the meeting held to develop the IEP document.

My second question is:  Is it possible the special education teacher just spaced off the rest of your email?  Have you received the final copy of the IEP and does it not include those accommodations?  You might try responding to the email with "so what about the accommodations of x and y not being included?"

You may have already done this, but it would be helpful to provide some reasons why both of these accommodations are necessary.  For the reading aloud, point to data that might show her accuracy is low, her fluency/rate of reading is slow, and her prosody is poor - all of which would be very embarrassing for her reading aloud.  For the extended time on tests, ask teachers how often she fails to finish tests.  For both accommodations, it would also be helpful if you could point to recommendations in an outside evaluation (if you have one) that list both of these accommodations.  If the school continues to hold their ground on this, ask for an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) to hopefully get these recommendation.  (The school will likely cave at this point - it wouldn't be worth them having to pay for an IEE.)

Yes, the accommodations should be in the IEP document, even if the teachers are following them.  For the following reasons:  1) The IEP year will extend into the next grade level, and you can't be sure what next year's teachers will do 2) You always write an IEP with the mindset that you could move - and you can't guarantee that the new district will follow this without it being in the IEP.

If you receive a response that they are not going to add these accommodations, request (in an email) a PWN stating that "although the team agreed to these accommodations at the meeting, the team decided not to provide the accommodations of x and y."  You probably won't get it, but you will have it documented in an email.

I would also request another IEP meeting to discuss why the team decided to exclude these accommodations.  At some point, it will just be easier for them to include them.  🙂


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Writing a parent letter of concern to be copied into the IEP can be a great way to make your point.  "We discussed no reading aloud at the IEP meeting as well as a follow-up email I sent to XX on March 11.  I do not see this in the IEP and I want to know what additional steps need to be taken to get this into the IEP.  My child's dyslexia diagnosis puts her oral reading fluency years behind her same-age peer and I don't want her to have to have to demonstrate this to her classmates.  Please let me know what my next step needs to be so this can be on her IEP."

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Yes, my overarching philosophy is that "if you're doing it, put it in the IEP." The IEP is the only way we can hold the team accountable to things actually happening.

If it doesn't happen, a "but you said in the meeting you would do this" 6 or 8 months later....is meaningless.

I either write on the PWN and send it back, or otherwise communicate that I expect to see this on the IEP or PWN.

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