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  1. Start Here

    1. Welcome and Getting Started

      In this forum, we will post the forum rules, and the various How-Tos, if you're having trouble posting.

      I also will post screencasts explaining changes and upgrades to the Forums as we grow.

      Please ask any technical questions in here, thanks.

    2. New Features

      Welcome! We are going to party like it's 2005!


      What's old is new again, and as social media continues to frustrate people, we're going back to forums. But, this is not your early 2000s forums, we're going to have so much more. 

      As I add new features or change things up, I will post a video here and send an email out so that you're aware.

    3. Feature Requests and Questions

      Have a question about a feature? Want to request something? Put it here and let us know.

    4. Helpful Links and Resources

      Find something online that you'd like to share? Post it here.

  2. IEPs and 504 Plans

    1. IEP Questions

      Ask your IEP questions and share IEP tips here.

    2. 504 Plans

      Does your child have a 504 plan? Ask those questions here.

    3. Preschool Questions

      If your child is 3 years old, or transitioning from Early Intervention (0-3) services to the preschool IEP, please ask those questions here.

    4. Transition to Adulthood

      If your child is approaching transition age or graduation, please post your question here, even if it is not transition specific. 

    5. 359
    6. Military Families and Americans Overseas/US Territories

      Many overseas families are still entitled to FAPE and bound to US laws like IDEA and Section 504. But, what the law says and what actually happens is not the same. If you are a military family overseas, or in a US territory like Guam, Puerto Rico, etc., this is your forum.

  3. Parenting a Disabled Child

    1. 23
    2. Parenting Adult Children

      For many families like ours, we will have children living with us even when they are adults. This forum is for parents whose disabled children are no longer in the public school system and have different questions and situations than IEP questions.

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  4. Professional Services

    1. IEP/504 Advocates

      If you are an IEP advocate, parent partner or the like...feel free to post about your services here. Please put city and/or state in your thread title for better search results by members, thanks.

      Please note, this is the PUBLIC FORUM, not private. If you purchased the advocacy training, this is NOT the private forum for that group, but you are welcome to post here.

      To join the advocacy mastermind group and get the private forum, go here: https://adayinourshoes.heightsplatform.com/bundles/for-working-advocates/preview or join our email list for the parent advocacy training. The parent advocacy live training is only open 3x a year: January, March and September.


    2. Special Ed or Civil Rights Attorneys

      If you are an IEP or civil rights disability rights attorney...feel free to post about your services here. Please put city and/or state in your thread title for better search results by members, thanks.


      Anything posted here is not legal advice.


      Please note, this is the PUBLIC FORUM, not private. If you purchased the advocacy mastermind, this is NOT the private forum for that group, but you are welcome to post here.

      To join the advocacy mastermind group and get the private forum, go here: https://adayinourshoes.heightsplatform.com/bundles/for-working-advocates/preview

    3. Mental Health Professionals

      If you are a mental health counselor (FOR YOUTH), a therapist or the like...feel free to post about your services here. Please put city and/or state in your thread title for better search results by members, thanks.

      Please note, this is the PUBLIC FORUM, not private. There is a paid private forum for school staff who have purchased the IEP teacher toolkit. You can purchase it here: https://adayinourshoes.heightsplatform.com/bundles/community-add-on-for-teacher-staff-iep-toolkit/preview

    4. OT, PT, Speech

      If you are a private therapist...feel free to post about your services here. Please put city and/or state in your thread title for better search results by members, thanks.

      This would include OT, PT, Speech. 

      Please note, this is the PUBLIC FORUM, not private. There is a paid private forum for school staff who have purchased the IEP teacher toolkit. You can purchase it here: https://adayinourshoes.heightsplatform.com/bundles/community-add-on-for-teacher-staff-iep-toolkit/preview

    5. Tutors, Trainers, Teachers

      If you tutor or teach or instruct our kids and offer private services...feel free to post about your services here.

      I mean reading tutors (Lindamood Bell, Wilson, etc), social skills, job training...anything that doesn't really fit in other categories

      Please put city and/or state in your thread title for better search results by members, thanks.

      Please note, this is the PUBLIC FORUM, not private. There is a paid private forum for school staff who have purchased the IEP teacher toolkit. You can purchase it here: https://adayinourshoes.heightsplatform.com/bundles/community-add-on-for-teacher-staff-iep-toolkit/preview

  5. Politics, Lobbying and System Change

    1. Federal Issues and Bills

      Post anything that is proposed or being voted on at the federal level, that affects our kids.

    2. State Specific Bills and Political Issues

      Please start your thread with your STATE NAME: then put the title of your thread after the colon. This will help with search results and make it easier for people in your state to see.

  6. Our Friends Overseas

    1. Canada and IEPs

      For our comrades who live north of us...you can post your Canadian Questions here. 

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    2. European Countries

      This forum may change and evolve as our overseas membership grows.

      For now, please start your threads with COUNTRY NAME: then your thread title.

      This will help when searching and for people who may have answers.

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    3. African Continent

      This forum may change and evolve as our overseas membership grows.

      For now, please start your threads with COUNTRY NAME: then your thread title.

      This will help when searching and for people who may have answers.

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    4. Asian Countries

      This forum may change and evolve as our overseas membership grows.

      For now, please start your threads with COUNTRY NAME: then your thread title.

      This will help when searching and for people who may have answers.

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  7. Just for Fun

    1. Pop Culture

      Tell us what you're binge watching, gossip about pop culture...whatever....

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    2. Food, Drink and Travel

      Share recipes, travel tips.

  8. Club Forums

    1. 45
    2. 49
    3. 55
    4. Michigan Parents Topics

      Michigan Specific Topics

    5. 1
    6. Virginia Parents Virginia Voices- Actions, Issues, Policy, Legislation

      There seem to be lots of state complaints and federal complaints in localities and on-going federal issues with VDOE.
      This is a place to discuss ways to share information and support improvements and changes in Virginia. 

    7. Alabama Parents IEP

      THis is to talk about IEP in Schools here

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    8. Alabama Parents BIP

      Behavior Intervention Plan - C'mon and help each other out....

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    9. Alabama Parents 504

      well...wahtever info we can add to the 504...

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    10. Alabama Parents Disabilities

      Just because its a disability, doesn't mean we can't do it.  I'm Deaf, but I can do anything but hear.  Dyslexia?  You can do anything but read....but we can help you with that.  ADHD?  Lets come up with plans on how to do things without feeling forced to medicate our children.  C'mon lets support each other with our kids.

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    11. Chester County PA IEP

      *****Long Read Alert**** Thanks in advance!! 
      My name is Jennifer, I go by Jenn or Jenna. I just became a member Friday! I am optimistic about potentially meeting some local understanding,loving, PITA (Pain in the A**) moms when it comes to our children when they are not in our care.  I have 6-year-old twin girls and a 15 yr old son. I honestly want some input, advice, resources, and or feedback on your thoughts on my current situation. Also if anyone knows any other Kindergarten schools in the area that have immediate spaces? Ican’t seem to find not one for my situation. 
      My daughters were going to PAELC. They started kindergarten this past August. My daughters’ names are Jade and Jada. Jade had an IEP In place from the Chester County Intermediate Unit which was updated in July of 2022 with her diagnosis of ADHD and DMDD, (Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder). She was doing so well at PAELC from August to the beginning of November. Around the time my husband and I officially separated. That’s when she started experiencing persistent irritability, anger and frequent, intense temper outbursts, and significant problems again at home and school. I notified the school when the separation happened because I thought they needed to put more emotional and behavioral support in place. After all, it wasn’t in her IEP as of date. They only had Learning Support, which she is above benchmark. I also thought I had a good relationship with her teacher, learning support specialist, supervisor of Elementary IEP services, the Principal, and all of the other staff members that were dealing with Jade. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Last month Jade wrapped a phone cord around her neck and they had to cut it off with scissors while she was escalated. She then tried to Jump out the second-floor window. I was called to pick her up that day they said she was extremely escalated and was hitting, kicking, and biting. I wasn't told of this information until 3 days later at an IEP meeting. They failed to do a suicide risk assessment, call mobile crisis, call me, or any of the guidelines from the Board of Education. To hear that my daughter did something like this was heart-wrenching. The fact she could have came home, and done it again hurts so bad. How didn't they notify me or take immediate action? Attempted suicide. I would have immediately come to pick her up and taken her to get an evaluation. They didn’t even tell the Superintendent. I didn’t get an incident report or anything. The report I got indicated she was escalated over bubbles because they told her to blow them on the carpet and not the floor. I went to pick Jade up immediately after the IEP meeting on zoom to find her back in the 2nd-floor classroom, which was a learning support classroom. The classroom was empty with the blinds taken down and the drawers drilled shut. Completely Empty. They had her ostracised like she was being confined and wondered why she was acting out. They didn’t allow her around any Friends even though she has never hurt anyone of her classmates. I haven’t had an issue at home with Jade since January 14th, the day she came home from the hospital. I had taken her to CHOP KOP on January 9th due to her aggressive and unsafe behaviors. On Day 5 of the stay, the psychology team apologized for the level of care provided by Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. The Psychiatrist then proceeded to say in front of a Psychologist that the Medical Team didn’t want to treat Jade because she was African American and this is a predominantly White hospital. The Psychologist, then said that the staff would be briefed regarding the restraints and procedures they were using on Jade. He stated they were not properly trained and they had medicated her on Ativan, Thorazine, Clonidine, and Methylphenidate. They used twelve people to restrain her after she was in a 4-point restraint because they didn’t use the correct restraints this is after giving her lines of Ativan which I didn’t even know. I told them they couldn’t give her any medications. Long story short, the hospital automatically opened up an investigation, and the OCR has officially opened up an investigation well. That was traumatizing, hurtful, and humiliating to be in the hospital for a week and be discriminated against. Words can't describe the way I felt and feel. We went for mental health and I called before I went they told me to bring her in because they had a behavioral health floor. Jade was placed on the surgical floor. I was told by a technician they had space on the floor, and that is his normal floor. I have never been told anything such degrading and racist as that in my life and the treatment!! I have PTSD from all this and don't trust a soul with my children as of right now. My girls have been going to CHOP since they were born and I have never experienced anything like that! So on top of what Jade experienced in the hospital, they medicated her so badly that she had delirium. She has had the same Therapist since 2021 she didn't even know who she was. During the time Jade was hospitalized school seemed to be so concerned, worried, and helpful. I kept them up to date every day on Jade's status, and what was going on. They assured me when she came back to school they would have the correct support in place and would continue to do their best. Because they understood how traumatic that had to be. PAELC Administrative staff, the IEP team, and her teacher have completely lost my trust, competence, integrity, care, and dependability for both of my girls! I pulled them both out the day I found this out. I know I am a PITA,(Advocate for my child) the best one she will ever havehttps://twemoji.maxcdn.com/2/72x72/2764.pngand the school knows this. I know my rights as a parent of a child with an IEP. I communicated with them so well and attended every meeting we had. Picked her up countless times informally. The Principal and IEP supervisor lied directly to me on the day of the incident. When I asked why no one called me they said they don’t know and that they had a busy day. I honestly still don’t know what happened in that classroom that day. No official incident report no nothing. Not what the antecedent was to her wrapping a phone cord around her neck and trying to jump out of a window. They suspended her for that! Can you imagine and called it aggression? Maybe if they would have done a suicide risk assessment, which certain staff members are trained to do we would know a little of what her thoughts were. She's 6 yrs old! She doesn't know the full concept of suicide. My son went from Schuylkill Elementary and is now at the High. I have nothing but outstanding things to say about his experience as a student and my experience as a mother. I also want to share the good about PAELC. Jada's teacher was awesome and specific staff members I interacted with. Their curriculum and program are good. The decision of having to pull Jada out of school as well was based on the relationship she has built with her teacher and friends was a rough and hard conversation to have with her. Unfortunately, safety comes first and my girls are the same value. 

      I'm not giving up on PASD but I have concluded, I have given up on PAELC. It's unnerving that the dishonesty started with Hierarchy the principal, the supervisor of elementary IEP services, and the Director of the IEP services of the whole district didn't disclose this information to me. I thought we were told in any field of life to use the chain of command, I had to bypass everyone and go straight to the Superintendent. I asked them to put their selves in a parent's shoes, would you have wanted to know? They all just looked at me and not one person said one thing. They ignored me completely. The only person from the school to Frankly answer the question was the Superintendent. He said not only were you supposed to know I was too! Sorry for the long story ladies but I was so happy when the girls started PAELC. With everything going on and not to mention I had appendectomy done 2/25 and was hospitalized for 7 days because it was ruptured. So I am not on mentally! I am tired https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/2/72x72/1f634.pngNow I may have to homeschool for the rest of the year and find private for September. Any recommendations? Any suggestions? Also, would you have wanted to know if this was your child considering her diagnosis and traumatic experiences? Also, would you let your other child continue to go to the same school if you have had twins? Thanks in advance for any recommendations and support.

    12. TN parents IEP to 504

      Struggling to get IEP back 

    13. 1
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